Bible Study meets every Monday from noon-2pm. Don’t worry if you have no experience with Bible study, sure we get deep into the study of God, but we have a great time doing it! We study the Bible and do book studies guided by the direction of the Holy Spirit. In other words, we try to do studies based on the needs and desires of the group and the world around us. Bring your favorite Bible and a willingness to learn and ask questions! Bible Study is open to all ages (we will include children and youth in the conversation).

Faith KIDS
Children’s Ministry

On Sunday mornings our children are invited to stay in worship until the Children's moment, after which they may return to their seats with their families or go to the lower level for Faith K.I.D.S (Kids in Divine Service) for a lesson, fellowship, and fun with our children's teachers. Children will be brought back to worship to rejoin their families for Communion.

Activity bags are also available next to the elevator for those who choose to stay in worship.