Our Pastor

Nicole Anne Henderson has been our pastor since July 2014. Nicole is a native of Western New York, where her parents still reside. She graduated from Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY, in 2008 with her Bachelors of Arts in Religious Studies, and graduated from Methodist Theological School in Ohio, with her Masters of Divinity specializing in Mission and Evangelism in 2012.

Nicole is passionate about mission, discipleship, and youth ministries. She is always seeking new oportunities for the church to get out into the community and serve the world. By growing and strengthening relationships within our congregation and community, Nicole strives to make more disciples for Christ. She loves spending time with our youth and children, seeking to grow their love of Christ. 

Nicole spends a lot of time in the community at Batavia Elementary School, where her twins, Ella and Joe attend. She is a member of Batavia Ohio Rotary Club, serving as the Interact advisor. Nicole, Ella and Joe are all very active in Cub Scouts and are often found outdoors with their own pack or new friends they meet through scouting. They also enjoy camping, hiking, and spending time with their dogs, Carter and Zeke; cat, Lilith; and fish. Zeke is frequently found at church activities doing his job as a therapy dog, serving the community for treats!

Nicole was ordained on June 7, 2016 as an Elder in the United Methodist Church.

Our Church
A Brief History
  • 1871 mission of the Ohio German Conference (of the United Brethren Church) from Cincinnati was established in Batavia and other communities in Clermont County
  • 1876 Batavia mission numbered 46 and purchased land to build their first building at Fifth and Wood Streets
  • 1920 Congregation had grown to 100 or more and a building fund was started to build a larger facility
  • 1926 Original church building razed and foundation is laid for current church building
  • 1927 Dedication of current church building
  • 1930 German language discontinued in worship services
  • 1946 merger of Evangelical and United Brethren denominations formed the Evangelical United Brethren Church (EUB)
  • 1968 merger of EUB and Methodist Episcopal denominations formed the United Methodist Church & the congregation chose to rename the church "Fatih United Methodist Church
  • Today: Under the able leadership and ministry of our present pastor, Rev. Nicole Henderson we continue to worship, serve, and witness to the community.